Saturday, October 24, 2009

Enjoying the perks of being a CVS customer!!

Last night on the way home from a friends house, Brendan and I stopped at CVS to pick up Coke for Jose.  It is on sale for 4/$13, get back 3CVS Bucks.  (Today is the last day, so use your CVS card.  You can get one from the cashier if you don't have one.  You will have to pay the $13 if you are a new CVSer.  But then you get $3 CVS Bucks back which is same as cash at CVS.)  I had $10.49 in CVS Bucks so I only paid $2.80 with tax.  I got back the 3 CVS Bucks so really I had overage of $.20 for 4-12 packs of Coke.  That is something to be happy about!!! 

If you haven't been this week, this is a great way to get started.  Go to your CVS and purchase the Glade Fragrance Collection Scented Reed Diffuser or Soy Candle 4.9-10oz.  If you save your coupon inserts from the Sunday papers, look in the 10/4 Smart Source ad for the $3 off coupon.  If you don't have that you still may be able to find a coupon at:
If you are fortunate enough to get a coupon, you will actually make money on this deal.  If not then you still will make out good!!
Purchase the Glade Fragrance for $6.99 and get $6.99 back in CVS Bucks.  I had the $3 off coupon so I only paid $3.99 but I still got back the $6.99.  You can then make a second transaction and buy the 4- 12 packs of coke.  Use your $6.99 CVS Bucks and you will only pay $6.01 and get $3.00 of CVS Bucks.
Once you start CVSing, you'll be hooked.  How could you resist getting free stuff or getting money for buying stuff......?


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Spring/Summer Shopping - What?!

Yes, you read it right!  Now is the time to buy for spring/summer clothes - especially for those growing children.  You can really get some great deals!!  I happened to be at Wal-Mart in our area last night and was able to get a nice Ocean Pacific bathing suit for $3 for my daughter for next year!!  I know with kids it is hard to shop early, but for the most part you can guestimate from their past growth patterns.  Not perfect - but works most of the time.  Hope everyone has a blessed day and week to come!! 
         ~ Krista ~

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Garage Sales!!!! I love them!

     I had a great day today because I have been looking for a chair and coffee table since I moved here that fit what I was looking for.  I can't pay for something that isn't what I wanted and I just hate buying something brand new.  There isn't much that we own that we bought new. I think my mattress is the only thing we paid full price for (not counting the game consuls that Jose buys.  He still has a hard time waiting for the best deal.  All the more reason why I have to save!) 
     I was so excited when I saw just what I was looking for.  They were asking $25 originally for the chair and went down to $15, and a beautiful coffee table that I think they were asking $35-$40.  (I can't remember.)  I was able to talk it down to $35 for both.  It was a little difficult because the chair was part of a set and they didn't want to break it.
      I got all of my Fall/Winter clothes for $30:  2 sweat suits, 4 dress suits, 1 pair of slacks, 1 sweater, 1 skirt, and 4 blouses + I got 2 boxes of dishes and 1 pair of boy gloves for my nephew thrown in.  The dishes are beautiful white with most of the set of 8.  For those of you that know me, you know I love different sets of dishes for different times of year and occasions but I refuse to pay for my luxuries.  If I can't get it dirt cheap, I'm not getting it!
     I hope you take advantage of these garage sales, too.  Brent went with me and he bought a brand new game of Life, marked $5, for $1.  All of the pieces were there and it was in tip-top shape.  Brendan just said yesterday that was his favorite game, so Brent is giving it to him for Christmas.  (We're kind of competing with each in making our purchases overall, who can get the best deals.  We decided as a family to not get caught up with spending during the holidays so Brendan will be really excited when he finds out the deal Brent got!) 
     $65 for all of that is my kind of bargain!!

My Sunday Publix plan

     I am really excited this week because you can make a dollar on milk at Publix this week.  There is a coupon in their flyer for free milk when you purchase 3 Kelloggs.  (I'm sorry but I can't remember if it has to be cereal or any item from Kelloggs.)  Either way, there is a coupon machine in the cereal aisle for $1 off of Fruit Loops/Fiber or Applejacks/Fiber (makes them $3, too much if you ask me) or better yet, purchase the Mini-wheats which are BOGOF (buy one get one free) for $2.  I had some coupons for this so mine were $1.50/ea.  (I did this deal on Friday night.)  Get your free milk-$2.49-.  Head on over to the Sara Lee bread (on sale for $2.19) and look for a tear off pad for $1 off of milk. 
     Total for 2 Mini Wheats, 1 Fruit Loops, 1 milk, 1 loaf of bread without mini wheat coupons = $8.16.  A value of $16.85.  Guess what?  That is a 48% savings. 
     One of the most important things to using coupons to your advantage is using them when the store is running sales.  I rarely have to buy something when it is not on sale and without a coupon at the same time.  It will take about 8-12 weeks to really be on a good cycle with a good storehouse of coupons.  When I started using coupons, my pantry, refrigerator and freezer were bare.  (We were trying to prepare for moving.)  Anyway, I am still stocking up and with 2 growing boys so sometimes I am barely keeping up as it is.  But with deals like that, and most of them are better, we are well on our way. 
Thanks be to God for providing for us so plentiful!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nothing like saving money!!

Krista and I went to Publix tonight and I spent $96 and saved $92.  I bought over 9 lbs. of ground beef and the most I spent on one lb. was $.74/lb.  That was my favorite buy, besides the free Publix bag and tube of Grands Biscuits.  The only things I bought that I didn't have coupons for were: 3 pack. of chicken legs/drumsticks and thighs for $.99 lb., 2 bags of black beans, 1 green bell pepper,olive oil and 2 packages of cream cheese, which Jose specifically asked for to make some of his yummy Cuban food.  Out of those items only the beans and cheese were not on sale.  Most of the items that I bought were under $1. Not too bad, if I do say so myself. Starting soon, Krista and I will be teaching classes on how to save money like this for only $10/person.  We are running a Grand Beginning Special:  $5 off for each friend you bring.  So you can attend the class for free!  You get your first of many freebies!!  If you are interested in scheduling a class, or for more information, contact us here or e-mail at   Have a great night!!

Been Sick - Caught The Cold

Sorry guys - haven't been around the past few days.  The kids and I have been fighting sinus issues and head colds.  We are so thankful, though, for home remedies like lemon water and the good ole' Netti Pot.  Thanks, Michelle, for commenting on our picture from the paper.  I actually have not seen it.  If anyone has a copy still, feel free to send it to me or we'll find a time to meet up.  The picture in the newspaper was taken when my family and I were enjoying the Bartow History Museum on Museum Day this past Saturday.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful and fulfilling week!  Blessings to you all!
          ~ Krista ~

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sometimes you just have to take a time out.

Just a little note to encourage you.  There are so many things going on and it's hard to remember to put things into perspective.  Take some time to just do nothing.  Let your mind rest and your body relax.  Pray and ask God to re-energize you.  You will feel like the world was lifted off of your shoulders.  Have a great day!

Monday, September 28, 2009

What Fun the Weekends Are

We, too, went to a museum this weekend, free of charge courtesy of our friends at the Smithsonian Magazine.  I hope many of you were able to take advantage of this great event.  We were going to go to the TellUs, like Kim and her family, but it was packed when we got there as well.  We did not want to wait - which is very difficult for excited little boys and girls anyhow.  We chose to go to the Bartow History Museum instead.  This is a great little museum - and we were the only ones there during our visit.  It was so very relevant to our homeschooling, too, as we are talking about the colonial days.  Bartow History Museum shows what it was like in Bartow County from the time of Native Americans, early colonial life, through the Civil War, and onto the present.  There really are some great exhibits in there.  Again, hope you had a wonderful weekend with your families. 
          ~ Krista ~

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Museum Day

     We just got back from the Western Booth Museum for free museum day.  We were going to go to Tellus but it was packed.  The line was just about to the parking lot.  We like both museums so we were just as happy.  The Booth staff are so friendly and informative.  We really enjoyed today though, because we are studying the time periods from the New World Discovery to the American Revolution.  That museum is very relevant.  Brendan and I especially liked the Route 66 exhibit even though that had nothing to do with what we are studying now.  I definately recommend going to the Booth.  They have a free day on the first Thursday of the month from 4:00 to close.  Let me know what museum you visited and how your day went.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lifting Weights and Eating Good

     Over the last 2-1/2 years, I have been losing weight and toning up.  I went from a size 16 to a loose size 4.  I lost over 50 lbs. I did change some things in my lifestyle, but they were little things and I did it gradually.
     I don't like artificial sweeteners or low fat products.  (I may get into that more later, but trust me, they are horrible for your body, especially if you are trying to lose weight.)  One of my children has to really watch his sugar intake, avoid artificial ingredients and limit fried foods.  He was having terrible digestion problems and severe sharp pains.  I took him to several doctors including different specialists.  I found a nutritionist that told me that his biggest problem was that he had an extremely high yeast count.  It was affecting his liver and large intestine.  She gave him some things to cleanse his system and especially things to lower the yeast count.  She emphasized to not give him any white sugar or flour.  I already milled my own wheat so I made sure that he ate that and fresh fruits and vegetables.  Meat bothered his stomach for a long time so we worked that back in as he could tolerate it.  I made a lot of yogurt and keifer, fruit and vegetable smoothies.  Thankfully he loves that stuff.  After much trial and error, we found out a lot of information  Bottom line, the way God made food is how we eat it, so I wasn't about to change those habits.
     I started to keep a journal of what I ate and the caloric intake.  You can figure out how many calories you should take in based on your weight.  Add a zero to the end and you have your answer.  If someone weighs 150 lbs. they should eat 1500 calories to maintain their weight.  When you want to gain weight, then you increase that number and when you want to lose weight you decrease that number by 100 calories at a time.  It's tempting to make a drastic change, but you need to keep your metabolism working.  When you don't take in enough calories, your body begins to hang on to your fat storage to protect you from starvation and it's really stubborn when it's time to let go.  One of my biggest problems was that I rarely ate over 1100 calories.  I thought I did based on the calories the food contained but I realized that what I would do was to prepare the food, eat during the preparation, and not be hungry to sit down and eat.  I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner and usually some snack around bedtime.  I also valued the time my kids were busy eating so I could go and fold laundry, do some ironing or cleaning.  When I changed that habit, my boys were happy because we were able to take a break from school and relax.  We could enjoy each other's company, the laundry can wait but growing up won't.  We also have a more quality breakfast and dinner, because although we ate together I didn't sit long and got up to get to the business of cleaning, etc.  I always feed my kids 6 times a day.  I knew it was healthier to eat when you are hungry and to stop when you were full.  I also paid attention to taking the time to eat and enjoy the food.  I stop and eat with them now.  They really enjoy the days when they get to make me lunch or a snack and I feel better mentally and physically during the day.  That's what I changed the first year and I lost one pant size and 11 lbs.  I was happy as long as it wasn't coming back.  I lost about a lb./month and that is what the 'experts' say to do to keep it off.
     Those of you that know my husband know that he doesn't need to lose weight and often has to work on gaining weight.  He also loves sports and lifting weights.  (He hates the cardio!)  He kept telling me to start lifting with him.  He worked out at night and I didn't want to be bothered because that was my 'time off.'  After all, my kids and I did a minimum of 30 min.of cardio 3 times a week, but we usually did 30 min. 5 times a week for our P.E.  I told my doctor that I did excercise regularly but it didn't do any good to help me lose weight.  I also told her what I ate.  She checked my thyroid and it was normal.  I did eventually go to a fitness expert who was well rounded in all aspects of fitness.  He did a body fat ratio test and checked my metabolism.  For the life of me, I can not remember what he did. (Krista and I were on vacation and were at a spa.) But he told me that my fat to muscle ratio was too high and that my metabolism was low.  I had just started lifting weights with Jose which he suggested that I continue and to make sure I kept track of EVERYTHING I ate and all of my activity.  I did find out that one of my bad habits was to eat food from the container instead of serving myself on a plate.  I would also eat if I was really upset about something.  The worst thing I think was that I would eat in front of the TV.  By serving myself the recommended serving size on a small plate, I actually took my time to eat and enjoy my little break or take time to enjoy my family during a meal.  He also explained that your body gets used to your routine and even if it is a good one, you need to change your routine.  That meant that I could go without exercising for a week and then come back and change up the routine.  I really prefer that anyway because then it's more of a game for me.  I could also eat extra calories for a week or two and not worry about it.  It really made a huge difference.  At the end of year 2 I had lost 29 more lbs. and went from a 14 to a 4. 
     Now I am trying to define and sculpt my muscles and I really enjoy working out.  Based on my size it is OK if I lose about 15 more lbs. but that is not my goal.  I really do care more about the health of my body than how much I weigh or what size I wear.  I dropped my cholesterol to normal levels and just had a physical in which the dr. approved of and agreed with everything I just told you. 
     One of the most important things I did to motivate and encourage myself was to keep track of my weight and how many clothes sizes I lost.  On the 1st and the 15th of every month I weighed myself.  If I stayed the same or gained weight I did nothing.  If I lost weight I wrote it on the bathroom mirror in the corner with eyeliner.  At the end of the year I wrote down what I was on Jan. 1st and Dec.31st and also wrote my clothes size down.  My husband is so great.  He never once complained that I was overweight.  He always told me how beautiful I was.  But, when I began to lose weight, he was my biggest supporter.  He never mentioned anything if I hadn't lost weight, and he always praised me when I did.  I still have the numbers on my mirror in the corner.  I don't know when or if I will erase them but for now they stay.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hip Hip Hoorah for Mom!!!

I was the center of praise last night when I made my family this soooooooo simple dessert.  (Or breakfast.)  I cut up skinned, cored and diced up some fresh apples and opened a can of refrigerated tube cinnamon rolls.  I stretched out each one as thin as I could make them without making holes in them.  I dropped as many apple pieces in and rolled it up.  I baked about 12 min. and voila!!  Out came hot apple turnovers in which I iced with the icing that came in the package.  We had fresh apples that Brendan picked at the church this weekend so I needed to use them, but if you want an even easier recipe, put apple sauce in the center or apple pie filling from the can.  You can also combine applesauce and apples if you like.  I didn't have any or else I would have.

Enjoy and make you family smile, too!

Today is a New Day

Good Morning - today is a new day.  Google was having some issues yesterday, but it appears to be all worked out today.  If you were trying to be a Follower yesterday and could not, I apologize for the confusion.  It seems to be working again, so try again. 
We live in what is called the metro-Atlanta area.  However, we are a good distance north of Atlanta itself (a good hour).  We have been affected by the rains, but not to the degree that the precious people south of us has.  Let us all remember to keep them in our prayers.  There have been some truly devastating effects.  Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the sunshine the last two days!!  I hope you all have a blessed day. 
          ~ Krista ~

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory!!

Good Morning,
Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, Glory!!  I always sing that to wake up my kids in the morning.  (Nice and loud!!) They love it................ NOT!!!!  --It might not be the song so much as the fact that I turn on the lights, pull off their covers and give them kisses and tickles.  :)  I love it!
On to other things.  We went to Publix and CVS last night.  We got a great deal on lifesavers.  I don't usually give them a second glance but Krista pointed out to me that they were each $.94 and on the inside of the bag, there were $1 off coupons.  We bought all of the ones that we liked and opened the bags, took out the coupons and got money back on each bag!!  It's like we got paid to buy lifesavers.  Great, Great Deal.  They had some other really good deals, too.  I spent $48 and saved $46.  (I did have to buy 3-4pks. of butter and eggs which were not on sale and I had no coupons.)  Krista only spent $8 and saved $25.  She beat me this trip!!  I'll have to plan better next time.  I don't like to save less than 50%. 
I know that many of you are saying, "I'd be ecstatic with that much saved."  I would have to 3 months ago, but I've gotten used to saving at least 50% that I hate not meeting my goal.
If you want to learn how to save substantially on your groceries, e-mail us at or leave us your e-mail on our blog.
We are offering money saving classes that include couponing, household and meal-planning tips for $10/person.
Right now we are running 2 different specials.  If you host a class with at least 5 guests, your session is free and you will recieve a free gift.  OR we will host a class and each person that brings a guest gets a $5 off .  If you bring 2, your session is free.  You just can't beat that!
I'm not sure of her savings at CVS, but I know she saved around 50% there.  My favorite deal she got was for 12 pk. of  Pepsi for $12, get $3 CVS bucks back.  Those are same as cash, so they only cost $2.25 ea.  I was going for the same deal but I left my card at home with my wallet and I wasn't happy.  :(
Thanks to Krista for bailing me out and lending me the money to cover my Publix trip until today.....
Sisters are great.  If you have one, give her a call, if not, call your best friend b/c she would be the next best thing.
Krista has something fun in mind.  More to come from her later.
Have a great day and God bless all of you with joy today.
<:0) Kim

Museum Day

Smithsonian Museum Day - Click here to go to the site for a free museum day.  Blessings to all!!

Good Things

Had a great shopping experience last night.  Went to Publix and did great.  I spent a total of $8.39.  But the amazing thing was that I saved $25.33.  That is right - I had huge savings!!  I bought four boxes of Special K cereal, two boxes of Quaker Chewy Granola Bars, and six bags of LifeSavers candies.  Of course, I utilized my coupons, but I also pay close attention to their sales flyer and only shop off of that.  Occasionally, I will need something that is not on the flyer, but mostly that is what I go off for my shopping list. 

Be sure to visit the Smithsonian website as listed here  Saturday is National Museum Day - and many museums are participating.  Check out your local area.  More than one pass can be printed (good for you and a guest), you just have to go back in the 'About' section then go back to the 'Admission Card'.  Have a blessed day. 
          ~ Krista ~

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trying to Stay Dry

Today, our key word is dry - along with being safe.  We live here in northwest GA, and there has been extreme flooding.  Just praying that if anyone has to be out in this weather, they can take their time and be safe. 
I wanted to mention another tip for getting coupons.  There is this great All You magazine that offers tons of coupons and easy living tips.  On average, there are over $65 of usable coupons.  Here in this area, I can only find this magazine at Wal-Mart, unless you have a subscription.  If you want a subscription, let me know.  My daughter is selling magazines with All You in it for $20 for 2 years.  This is the best price I have seen anywhere.  Just leave a comment and we'll get the information squared away.  Become a follower, then you can get all of the updates!  Hope everyone has a blessed day. 
          ~ Krista ~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wonderful Blessings

Good morning.  I am so very blessed this morning.  I am looking forward to our first day at Co-Op with our homeschool family.  We are still fairly new to the adventures in homeschooling, but I am so excited - as are the kids.  I am looking forward to an awesome year - yes, we have already started school at home, but I am talking about with our group as well!  Probably won't do any shopping today - so no tips on couponing.  Well, maybe just one.  If you live in the greater Atlanta area, the AJC often has a double edition of Sunday's newspaper (the early edition and the regular one).  If you decide to get both on Sunday, then you would have double the coupons!!  This can be very helpful - not matter the size of your family.  I wish everyone a blessed day!
         ~ Krista ~

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My plan is to spend under 1$, under 5$ if I buy make-up.  And to get more money back..... I'll tell you how I do when I get back from Wal-Greens tomorrow.

The Other Sister

Good morning all.  I am the other sister.  My name is Krista.  I am the proud wife (of 14 years) to my wonderful, hardworking husband.  I am also the proud and loving mother of four wonderful children.  We have one daughter (10) and three energetic boys (8, 6, and 5).  We are a homeschooling family.  This is our first year with everyone being homeschooled (myself included - I am taking online classes to get my Bachelor's Degree).  But last year, I homeschooled the two smaller ones.  We are all enjoying it - and I am so very glad that I can have my children with me.  It is a great feeling to know and feel the bonds grow and change. 

On to other things, I went on my weekly (usually) Publix trip after church today.  I l;ove it when I save a considerable amount more than I spend.  I spent - out of pocket - $52.61 and - here is where the drum roll goes - I saved $61.35.  I am so loving this couponing thing.  Normally, I would have had seperate transactions to include the penny item that we have here in GA at our Publix on Sundays and Mondays.  This week, though, the penny item was coffee, and we don't use coffee.  So, I did not make the penny item purchase.  Keep watching for updates, we are going to be giving you tips on how you can save like us - and maybe even better!!
                       ~ Krista ~

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I am new to this world of blogging.  I have to admit that I really like it.  (I have to watch my time, though.)  I will need a little patience and a lot of prayer.  The more you get to know me, the more you will realize I really need it!!
I feel like I need to let you know a little more about me.  I am the older of the two of us.  I have two sons and a wonderful husband.  I have always homeschooled my children, with God's help and guidance.  (I couldn't do it on my own, that's for sure!!)  We moved to GA from FL about 3-1/2 years ago.  We like it here but Jose, my husband is homesick.  I miss a lot of things, too, especially my brother, our nieces and nephew, the rest of our family and our friends.  On the other hand, my sister moved up here with her family at the same time we did.  The longest that we have ever lived apart was 6 mos.   We are trying to move back and if it is God's will, then I want to go.  If it is not His timing for us to move back, then I want to stay.  Either way, as long as I am with God, I am good. 
My sister and I do a lot of things together.  I finally talked her into starting this blog together.  We are so different yet we complement each other so well, that I thought we could really have a lot to offer.
I have so many different aspects of my life, it's hard to mention all.  I love teaching my boys. I love taking care of our home so it can be a place of refuge for all of us.  I love cooking and teaching other women (and sometimes children).  Right now I am part of an Apples of Gold ministry in which I get to teach a little cooking, some practical life skills and delve into God's Word.  I also enjoy working out, (especially since I have lost around 50lbs. and I dropped 6-7 dress sizes.)
I'll tell you more about all of those things later.  For now, I need to get to bed for church in the morning and then be ready for my Publix trip for the week.  (after I balance the dreaded checkbook!!)

Adventures in Couponing

We are so excited about this blog.  We are looking forward to sharing all of our tips and hearing from you as well.  Hope to see you back soon!

First Day

Welcome to $ister$ense. Sign in and come back often to see what we're up to!!