Thursday, October 15, 2009

Spring/Summer Shopping - What?!

Yes, you read it right!  Now is the time to buy for spring/summer clothes - especially for those growing children.  You can really get some great deals!!  I happened to be at Wal-Mart in our area last night and was able to get a nice Ocean Pacific bathing suit for $3 for my daughter for next year!!  I know with kids it is hard to shop early, but for the most part you can guestimate from their past growth patterns.  Not perfect - but works most of the time.  Hope everyone has a blessed day and week to come!! 
         ~ Krista ~

1 comment:

  1. I need to get on that. We buy all of the clothes for the year and give them to our kids as Christmas presents. They really enjoy them all year long. Each season reminds them of Christmas again and then we talk about our memories. You would think they might feel like those are boring gifts but my kids appreciate them.
